I know, I know, they drive me nuts too. You know, the images that aren’t quite right. Some of them are for the wrong movie (usually caused by multiple movies sharing the same UPC). Sometimes it’s the right movie, but it’s just a terrible image. Well, that’s enough of that!
We’ve been making a significant number of additions over the last 9 months and they’re so large that we’re unable to roll them all out at once. A lot of users have made great suggestions and we’ve endeavored to get as many as possible into these changes. Basically, we revamped our database to give you more data, more accuracy, and more control over your collection. As the first visible change, we have added the image editor.
The image editor will allow you to upload new images for a movie, or to edit (crop) the current images we have for the movie. The interface is still a bit rudimentary, but we’ll be improving that as we get feedback. When you see a movie for which you would like to correct the cover, just click on the image itself until you are viewing the full size image on the movies own page (viewmovie). Under the movie, you will see a link that says “Crop image”. Click that link to upload a new image, or edit the existing one. Once you are on the new page, click an image to edit, or, upload a new image. You could scan your DVD, for example, or provide one of the images from the DVD movie studio.
Once you’ve chosen the image, you will be taken to a page that will allow you to edit each of the 3 main image types we use. The first, and top-most image, is the kind that will be found on the front page or when you view an individual movie in your collection. The next image is the one we use when we are displaying the thumbnails in a user’s collection. Finally, the bottom image is the icon for a movie. Click each of these three images, crop the larger image and then click “Save changes”. This will commit the newly cropped image to the database.
Don’t be alarmed if you don’t see your changes right away. They may be waiting to go through an approval process first, but then the best crops will get to be used by everyone. We’re hoping this will help everyone fix images that are broken and even fix images that aren’t quite right even if they are the correct movie. If you run into issues, please let us know. We realize the interface is a but cumbersome, but hopefully we’ll improve that in a second stage after we’ve added some other new features.
Keep an eye out for some of the new database changes that should be coming soon. You may see beta features show up in subtle places if you’re logged in. That’s our way of testing them out with small sets of users. Please be patient as we make the upgrades, but we do love to hear your feedback. Feel free to leave them as comments on this (or other) posts, or you can always e-mail us as well.
For now, enjoy the new images!
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