A petty one in 12 adults have even got so outraged with other players that they have never spoken to them again. We repeat, over a board game.
30 percent of the 3,000 polled say board game 'issues' have got so heated they've seen another side to their mates.
However, it looks like the board game bust-ups will continue because 42 percent of folk say they like to play the games to show off how intelligent they are.
But it doesn't always work, 19 percent of people say board games have made them realise their friends were thicker than they thought… think about that next time you've challenged to a game of Trivial Pursuit.
A spokesperson for Lego Games, which commissioned the poll, said: "Board games are popular with adults and children alike, but these findings show that many adults take them very seriously indeed.
"Even the simplest of games can bring out a competitive streak in people, but it's never a good idea to take things to the extreme.
"No one wants to be seen as a bad sport but these things are never worth falling out over.
"The best advice is to probably stick to playing games with the children - hopefully this should avoid any competition with good friends."
"Even the simplest of games can bring out a competitive streak in people, but it's never a good idea to take things to the extreme.
"No one wants to be seen as a bad sport but these things are never worth falling out over.
"The best advice is to probably stick to playing games with the children - hopefully this should avoid any competition with good friends."
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